Masami Teraoka Studio:

I had started Confessional theme series in the early 90’s. Large arched top triptych series had evolved c. 2003. Specifically the series’ focus had been to bring out Catholic clergy sexual abuse issues in historically institutionalized context. By far Catholic Church’s clergy sexual abuse issues even today is not in a small scale but grandiose scale scandals. Obviously the Vatican’s usual solution for those abusive bishops, cardinals, priests and seminarians had been relocated so to speak. In particular noticeable tactics had been they were given perhaps higher position titles when the abusive clergy had been relocated with the new titles that were given before and Vaticans had sent them out with new frostings to make people believe a new so and so priest must be trustful.

I had profoundly investigated history and stunning facts. In the Confessors manual confessors were in fact trained or encouraged to approach penitents with touching. This was written in their manual. A great technical tool for the priests so that penitents feel more relaxed to confess. Especially a young seminarian who had not experienced any sexual relationship before he became a confessor who had been promoted to a confessor’s position, this inevitably had invited sexually related scandals in the church. In 2003 St. Louis University had the survey requested by volunteered Roman Catholic nuns in the states. American Roman Catholic Church’s nuns who were sexually abused by Catholic priests. Nuns victims of sexual abuses these issues had been adults’ issues that in general media did not cover customarily. St. Louis University survey finds about 40% have suffered some sexual trauma. Report by Bill Smith, St. Louis Post-Dispatch published: January 5, 2003.

